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🛠️ Troubleshooting

In this guide, we will cover common issues you may encounter when deploying Alaz as a DaemonSet in your Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Check the status of the DaemonSet

First, verify that the DaemonSet has been created and is running properly.

kubectl get daemonset alaz-daemonset -n anteon

Check the DESIRED, CURRENT, READY, and UP-TO-DATE columns to ensure all desired pods are running.

  1. Inspect Pod Logs

If the DaemonSet is not functioning as expected, the next step is to inspect the logs of the individual pods.

kubectl logs -l app=alaz -n anteon

This command fetches the logs of all pods labeled app=alaz in the anteon namespace.

  1. Describe the DaemonSet

The command below provides a comprehensive overview, including events like failed pod scheduling or image pull errors, which are crucial for diagnosing deployment issues.

kubectl describe daemonset alaz-daemonset -n anteon
  1. Check Pod Status

If the pods are not in a Running state, use the following command to check the status of individual pods.

kubectl get pods -l app=alaz -n anteon -o wide
  1. Inspect Pod Events

If a pod is in an unexpected state (e.g., CrashLoopBackOff), inspect the events associated with it to understand why.

kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n anteon
  1. Delete and Redeploy the DaemonSet

If all else fails, you may want to delete and redeploy the DaemonSet. Be cautious with this approach, as it will temporarily remove monitoring from the nodes.

kubectl delete daemonset alaz-daemonset -n anteon
kubectl apply -f alaz.yaml

This sequence first deletes the DaemonSet and then redeploys it using the configuration in alaz.yaml.

  1. For persistent problems, you can create a new issue on GitHub for further support.