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🎊 We've changed our name from Ddosify to Anteon! 🚀

🐝 Alaz Chart

Our Helm chart repository is available here. ✨


See the documentation for more information about Alaz.


To install the Alaz chart, first, add the Anteon Helm repository:

helm repo add anteon
helm repo update

Then, you can install the Alaz chart with the following command:

# Replace <MONITORING_ID> with your monitoring ID from the Anteon UI. Change XXXXX with your monitoring ID.
# Set BACKEND_HOST with your Anteon Self-Hosted Endpoint. If your Anteon Self-Hosted endpoint is http://localhost:8014, then BACKEND_HOST=http://localhost:8014/api
helm repo add anteon
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace anteon
helm upgrade --install --namespace anteon alaz anteon/alaz --set monitoringID=$MONITORING_ID --set backendHost=$BACKEND_HOST

Configuration Parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Alaz chart and their default values.

monitoringIDSHOULD BE CHANGED: Monitoring ID (required). You can get it from Anteon UI, Cluster Detail Page.string""
backendHostBackend host URL to send the collected data. Default is Anteon Cloud. If you have Anteon Self-Hosted installed, you can give the backend URL.string
namespaceNamespace to deploy the chartstringanteon
logLevelZero log level (0: trace, 1: debug, 2: info, 3: warn, 4: error, 5: fatal, 6: panic)int1
resources.limits.cpuCPU limitstring1
resources.limits.memoryMemory limitstring1Gi
resources.requests.memoryMemory requeststring400Mi
imageAlaz Docker imagestring-
imagePullPolicyImage pull policystringIfNotPresent
containerPortContainer port for debugging and profiling Alazint8181
podAnnotationsAnnotations to add to the podobject{}
metricsEnabledEnable prometheus node exporter metrics (cpu, memory, network, disk, etc.)booltrue
tracingEnabledEnable tracing (Service Map) using eBPFbooltrue
logsEnabledEnable loggingboolfalse
excludedNamespacesNamespaces to exclude from monitoring with regex format. For example: "^anteon.*" to exclude all namespaces starting with "anteon"string""
criRuntimeEndpointCustom CRI runtime endpoint (optional)string""
sendAliveTCPConnectionsSend undetected protocol connections (unknown connections)boolfalse

You can override these default values by creating a values.yaml file and specifying your own values or using the --set flag during installation.