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🎊 We've changed our name from Ddosify to Anteon! 🚀

External Database

By default, the Anteon chart deploys a PostgreSQL and InfluxDB. If you want to use them externally, you can write a custom values file (values-external_db.yaml) as follows:

external: true
url: ""
apiToken: "<your-token>"
org: "<your-organization>"

external: true
host: ""
port: 5432
username: "postgres"
password: "<your-password>"

In this example, we are using the external InfluxDB Cloud and AWS RDS PostgreSQL. You must change the values according to your setup. Note that the external database must be accessible from the Kubernetes cluster. Then, you can install the chart with the custom values file as follows:

helm repo add anteon
helm repo update
kubectl create namespace anteon
helm upgrade --install --namespace anteon anteon-selfhosted anteon/anteon --values values-external_db.yaml --wait

The recommended and tested version of PostgreSQL is 13.6 and InfluxDB is 2.6.1. If you get any errors on different versions, please open an issue. We will try to fix it as soon as possible. To avoid the latency, the external databases should be as close as possible to the Kubernetes cluster.