Dynamic Variables (Parametrization)
Just like the Postman, Anteon supports dynamic variables. Actually, we support all the random methods Postman supports. If you use {{$randomVariable}}
on Postman you can use it as {{_randomVariable}}
on Anteon. Just change $
to _
and you will be fine.
For example, to generate fake integers, you can use {{_randomInt}}
on URL, header, body or basic authentication. To simulate a realistic load test on your system, Anteon sends every request with the new random value that corresponds to the variable you provide.
If you wonder, Anteon uses go-faker library to generate fake data.
Here is the list of all available dynamic variables.
Variable | Description | Examples |
_guid | UUID | 5066a748-9a72-404d-94f7-512c0779ff8e , adda49b1-7148-4a89-92de-6c4b756c1226 |
_timestamp | Current timestamp in seconds | 1654037772 , 1654037847 |
_isoTimestamp | Current ISO timestamp in seconds | 2022-05-31T22:58:40.653Z , 2022-05-31T22:59:06.013Z |
_randomUUID | UUID | 35334fa3-fa83-4589-97e7-7419c9a2173e , 6661c4cb-ec3a-464c-9ecc-d9fd051e8def |
Text, Numbers and Colors β
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomAlphaNumeric | Alphanumberic character | b , 6 |
_randomBoolean | Random boolean value | true , false |
_randomInt | Random integer btw. 0 and 1000 | 352 , 518 |
_randomColor | Random color | silver , yellow |
_randomHexColor | Random HEX color | #269423 , #2859B0 |
_randomAbbreviation | Rancom abbreviation | THX , XML |
Internet and IP Addressesβ
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomIP | Random IPv4 | , |
_randomIPV6 | Random IPv6 | b915:b036:2e09:cb24:5ffc:942c:9592:01f2 , b915:b036:2e09:cb24:5ffc:942c:9592:01f2 |
_randomMACAddress | Random MAC Address | AE:8E:83:84:A8:98 , CD:1A:D6:66:88:13 |
_randomPassword | Random password | cprvljasdymm}trs , yiqot{uw |
_randomLocale | Random locale | bo , ia |
_randomUserAgent | Random User Agent | Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060820 Firefox/ |
_randomProtocol | Random Protocol | http , https |
_randomSemver | Random Semantic Version | 4.2.2 , 8.0.4 |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomFirstName | Random first name | Dorothy , Alek |
_randomLastName | Random last name | Corkery , Friesen |
_randomFullName | Random full name | Patsy Becker , Camron Graham |
_randomNamePrefix | Random name prefix | Mr. , Ms. |
_randomNameSuffix | Random name suffix | I , DVM |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomJobArea | Random job area | Infrastructure , Usability |
_randomJobDescriptor | Random job descriptor | Regional , Global |
_randomJobTitle | Random job title | Internal Factors Administrator , Central Metrics Technician |
_randomJobType | Random job type | Agent , Coordinator |
Phone, Address, and Locationβ
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomPhoneNumber | Random phone number | 601-272-3813 , 208-658-9378 |
_randomPhoneNumberExt | Random phone number with extension | 50-859-544-9083 , 86-685-370-3469 |
_randomCity | Random city name | Ethelfurt , Bergstromport |
_randomStreetName | Random street name | Ethel Roads , Bergstrom Valley |
_randomStreetAddress | Random street address | 88 Cassandra Trail , 847147 Helmer Corners Suite 777 |
_randomCountry | Random country | Malta , Bermuda |
_randomCountryCode | Random 2 letter country code | UG , IE |
_randomLatitude | Random latitude | 72.240845 , 13.890682 |
_randomLongitude | Random longitude | 68.437796 , 98.146903 |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomAvatarImage | Random avatar image | http://placeimg.com/640/480/people |
_randomImageUrl | Random image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480 |
_randomAbstractImage | Random abstract image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/abstract |
_randomAnimalsImage | Random animal image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/animals |
_randomBusinessImage | Random business image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/business |
_randomCatsImage | Random cat image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/cats |
_randomCityImage | Random city image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/city |
_randomFoodImage | Random food image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/food |
_randomNightlifeImage | Random night life image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/nightlife |
_randomFashionImage | Random fashion image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/fashion |
_randomPeopleImage | Random people image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/people |
_randomNatureImage | Random nature image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/nature |
_randomSportsImage | Random sport image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/sports |
_randomTransportImage | Random transport image URL | http://placeimg.com/640/480/transport |
_randomImageDataUri | Random image data URI | data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22htt... |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomBankAccount | Random eight digit bank number | 44014606 , 21604863 |
_randomBankAccountName | Random bank account name | Checking , Home Loan |
_randomCreditCardMask | Random credit card mask number | 6520 , 5339 |
_randomBankAccountBic | Random bank identifier code (swift) | BKTRTRIS , SOGEFRPPRIG |
_randomBankAccountIban | Random IBAN | HU63755471863115172345115723 , EE268872311844634138 |
_randomTransactionType | Random transaction type | invoice , payment |
_randomCurrencyCode | Random three letter currency code | BIF , QAR |
_randomCurrencyName | Random currency name | Uzbekistan Sum , Rupiah |
_randomCurrencySymbol | Random currency symbol | J$ , Β£ |
_randomBitcoin | Random bitcoin address | XBvHFJHdGdszbgqwDi6yZy7QXgeU , XBvHFJHdGdszbgqwDi6yZy7QXgeUSiH5kT |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomCompanyName | Random company name | Daniel Bruen , Michael Cassin |
_randomCompanySuffix | Random company suffix | und SΓΆhne , Inc. |
_randomBs | Random business speak words | synthesize efficient systems , matrix virtual functionalities |
_randomBsAdjective | Random business speak adjective | interactive , plug-and-play |
_randomBsBuzz | Random business speak buzzword | harness , morph |
_randomBsNoun | Random business speak noun | paradigms , infrastructures |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomCatchPhrase | Random catchpharase | Monitored explicit throughput , Secured stable budgetary management |
_randomCatchPhraseAdjective | Random catchpharase adjective | Implemented , Secured |
_randomCatchPhraseDescriptor | Random catchpharase descriptor | bandwidth-monitored , hybrid |
_randomCatchPhraseNoun | Random catchpharase noun | array , installation |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomDatabaseColumn | Random database column | updatedAt , createdAt |
_randomDatabaseType | Random database type | serial , datetime |
_randomDatabaseCollation | Random database collation | cp1250_general_ci , ascii_bin |
_randomDatabaseEngine | Random database engine | ARCHIVE , BLACKHOLE |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomDateFuture | Random future datetime | Wed Mar 18 09:19:24 UTC 2026 , Fri Aug 1 09:58:13 UTC 2025 |
_randomDatePast | Random past datetime | Tue Dec 20 21:06:56 UTC 2016 , Sun Dec 5 07:14:23 UTC 2021 |
_randomDateRecent | Random recent datetime | Thu Apr 14 12:14:25 UTC 2022 , Thu Apr 14 12:14:33 UTC 2022 |
_randomWeekday | Random weekday | Wednesday , Thursday |
_randomMonth | Random month | March , August |
Domains, Emails, and Usernamesβ
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomDomainName | Random domain name | claudiabeier.com , chasescott.ac.uk |
_randomDomainSuffix | Random domain suffix | scot , info |
_randomDomainWord | Random domain word | jessecormier , victoriafisher |
_randomEmail | Random email | max.smitham@hotmail.com , ivy.wood@outlook.com |
_randomExampleEmail | Random email with example domain | isabella.bauch@example.net , tahlia.baumbach@example.org |
_randomUserName | Random username | Hayden.Heaney , Lara.Durgan |
_randomUrl | Random URL | https://sophiemills.scot , https://harrisongoldner.ltd.uk |
Files and Directoriesβ
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomFileName | Random file name | matthew_moore.gdoc , angus_daniel.mov |
_randomFileType | Random file type | video application |
_randomFileExt | Random file extension | xml , gif |
_randomCommonFileName | Random common file name | marcuswaters.csv , elizaowen.html |
_randomCommonFileType | Random common file type | application , image |
_randomCommonFileExt | Random common file extension | m3a , gif |
_randomFilePath | Random file path | /usr/X11R6/hugoschmidt.mp4 , /usr/libexec/mitchelloreilly.mp4 |
_randomDirectoryPath | Random directory path | /proc , /usr |
_randomMimeType | Random mime type | image/gif , image/png |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomPrice | Random price (0.00-1000.00) | 445.60 , 802.67 |
_randomProduct | Random product | Hat , Shoes |
_randomProductAdjective | Random product adjective | Fantastic , Tasty |
_randomProductMaterial | Random product material | Cotton , Steel |
_randomProductName | Random product name | Gorgeous Frozen Chicken , Recycled Bronze Sausages |
_randomDepartment | Random stores department | Tools , Health |
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomNoun | Random noun | interface , port |
_randomVerb | Random verb | calculate , parse |
_randomIngverb | Random ing verb | indexing , hacking |
_randomAdjective | Random adjective | multi-byte , neural |
_randomWord | Random word | program , overriding |
_randomWords | Random words | virtual navigate 1080p , reboot online alarm |
_randomPhrase | Random phrase | nobis iste omnis iusto aut. aliquam illo maxime aperiam nobis. ... |
Lorem Ipsumβ
Variable | Description | Examples |
_randomLoremWord | Random lorem ipsum word | iusto , quaerat |
_randomLoremWords | Random lorem ipsum words | officiis iusto , deleniti molestiae veritatis non |
_randomLoremSentence | Random lorem ipsum sentence | delectus iure qui qui veritatis sit accusantium. |
_randomLoremSentences | Random lorem ipsum sentences | ab perferendis cupiditate atque. saepe sed nulla ut deserunt. |
_randomLoremParagraph | Random lorem ipsum paragraph | provident asperiores dolorum. beatae totam ut. ... |
_randomLoremParagraphs | Random lorem ipsum paragraphs | eum reiciendis modi. ab minus vero. exercitationem nisi. ... |
_randomLoremText | Random lorem ipsum text | quia officim laborum. aliquid ullam blanditiis voluptatem ipsam labore. |
_randomLoremSlug | Random lorem ipsum slug | cupiditate-consectetur-et , adipisci-suscipit-qui |
_randomLoremLines | Random lorem ipsum lines | esse soluta voluptatem atque aut ut \n exercitationem option est |